Our Leadership
All emal addresses are @etzhayim.org
BOARD OF DIRECTORS (as of June 23, 2024)
To Email the Board of Directors:
Board and Rabbi: board@ or Board only: closed_board@
President - Stephen Soreff - president@
Vice President - Mike Schloss - vicepresident@
Treasurer – Lee Silverstein - treasurer@
Secretary - Andrea Meyer - secretary@
Stan Chamrin
Fred Coltin
Isabel Danforth
Steph Landau
Barry Leshin
Milt Zweig
Committees (Chairs)
Adult Ed - Steve Soreff
Buildings, Grounds & Security - TBD
Bylaws - Larry Boise
Chavurat Ezrah – Nancy Rotkowitz
Design & Cultural - Steve Soreff
Education Committee - Allison Doyle
Hospitality - Bonnie & Barry Leshin
Library - Cindy Landau, Winter Royce-Roll
Membership – TBD
Men’s Group – Jay Madnick
Publicity - Laurie Medrek
Calendar - Andrea Meyer
Facebook Admins - Laurie Medrek, Allison Doyle
Newsletter - Debbie Silverman
Website - Laurie Medrek
Ritual – Bruce Wechsler
Sisterhood – Rhonda Madnick
Technology – Mike Schloss