Torah Tots
Welcome Back Torah Tots!
Torah Tots will be returning to Etz Hayim Synagogue. Once a month Sandra Whitman will
lead children ages 2 to 6 in a Shabbat service especially designed for them. The service in-
cludes prayers, songs, dancing and a Torah portion. Children follow along in a special Siddur
that provides structure to the service and pictures to help with meaning. When the Torah is
taken out in the adult service the Torah Tots will join in the march around the synagogue
with their own little Torahs. While the adults are reading their Torah portions, the children
will learn their own version of the same portion. Closing the adult service, the Torah Tots
will lead the adults in Adom Olam. Please join the Torah Tots monthly on the following
dates: 3/16, 4/20, 5/18.
Jon and Mike
Life Long Learning Co-Chairs